Pro Tips & Time Saving Ideas


First and foremost, I hope that everyone is safe, and healthy. These are extraordinary times, which require patience, perseverance, faith and a deep sense of knowing that we will heal and return to a new way of living armed with more knowledge and information, and certainly with more compassion.

Since we are still in a lock down situation, keeping our distance and doing what we can to remain safe, we are finding different ways in which to manage our daily routines. That includes trying to make the most out of the food we are able to buy. I thought I would share some tips and time savings ideas that might help.

In our area, we have not been able to purchase some items, while others we can get in large quantities. And because of that, I’ve come up with ways to make sure I don’t waste anything. Below are a few that I’ve implemented.

Also, because things have been a bit wonky, I haven’t been taking photos with my professional camera. Sure, there is a list of reasons why, but I definitely won’t bore you with those details. Instead I’ve been using my phone, and clearly there is a big difference in quality. So, disclaimer right up front, the images may not be the best but I think the ideas are valuable and worth including the images. As we all know - a picture is worth a thousand words. (And yet I still use words, and lots of them.)

Let’s get started:

Pro Tip #1 - Buy citrus in larger quantities and freeze

How many times have you wished you had just a little squeeze of lemon, or lime? I have often found myself in that exact situation, which is why I started buying huge bags of limes and lemons. With this helpful trick, you will never be caught without. But this tip is not only useful if you buy in large quantities. It is also great to fold into your routine when the citrus you do have will go bad before you have a chance to use it. This method will save you from having to toss and waste it.

First things first, wash them. That’s right. Why wash the outside of citrus when you are using the juice from the inside?

Two reasons:

  1. Even if you are only using the juice, the outside has been touched by many hands and exposed. When you squeeze some of the juice might run down the outside rind, plus your hands are touching the outside rind. I’ve practiced this tip before the coronavirus, but it is especially important now.

  2. If you are going to zest the rind, washing is ESSENTIAL because you are going to consume the rind. It goes without saying that anything you will eat needs to be washed.

Next, I select several to keep on hand for daily use, placing them in a basket in a cool, dry drawer. The rest I squeeze into a large measuring cup and then pour the juice into silicone molds to freeze. (If you don’t have silicone molds then ice cube trays do the trick. I do find that the silicone makes it easier to pop the cubes out.) You can choose whatever size you want. I use both tiny molds and large oversized ice cube molds so that I have choices.

Once they are frozen, pop them out and place them into labeled freezer bags for future consumption in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Add to your tea

  • Use for cocktails

  • Add to sauces

  • Use for salad dressing

Note: I have also zested the rind and included that in some of the juice cubes, for that extra added tang.

Pro Tip #2 - Herbs Now, Herbs Later

For whatever reason, I haven’t been able to get any other herb except basil, and it comes in 1 lb. size. I love basil, but that’s a whole lot of basil. I decided to take full advantage of having this tasty herb on hand. I used it fresh in several dishes, (which will be featured in my next post), but there was just so much I could use before it was going to go south on me. That’s where this next tip comes in handy.

For the remaining abundant leaves, I decided to make a big batch of pesto, using walnuts, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice and oil. I then split that amount in thirds, adding Parmesan cheese to only one portion, and leaving the other two without. I will explain why, keep reading. Again, we will be using the same method as with the lime and lemon juice. This time placing the batch with cheese into a larger container with an appropriate amount to be used in the future for pasta. The other ‘without cheese’ portions I poured into the smaller silicone molds, and small plastic containers. You can employ this method using cilantro or parsley as well. For those herbs, you can keep it simple and just blend the herb with garlic, oil, salt and pepper.

Once the cubes in the molds are frozen, simply pop them out and place in labeled freezer bags. (Note: labeling is key. You may think that you will remember what’s in a container but if it’s been in the freezer for a while you can’t rely on memory. Plus, you do want to put the date so you know how long it’s been in the freezer.)

The reason for not adding cheese to the entire batch is that basil, garlic, walnuts and oil combo is way more versatile than with cheese. This yummy green goodness of a mixture can be used in a litany of other ways, such as:

  • Add basil flavor (when you don’t have fresh on hand) to sauce

  • Baste a roasted chicken

  • Use it to finish a soup for a hint of herbal flavor

  • Place it in any fish en papilotte

Pro Tip #3 - Avoid a Mess: Use of a Container & Multiple Stacked Baggies
Mango Madness

When mango are in season, I buy plenty. Then I cut them up into cubes and freeze. Since cutting and placing them into baggies can get messy, I employ the trick of using a wide mouth glass and pre stacking the bags into the glass one on top of each other. This way once I place the cut mango into the bag, the next bag is there ready to be filled. Not only is this time savings but it really keeps the whole process streamlined, clean and without getting a sticky mess all over. This method can be utilized for any number of foods that you are making multiple packages.

Of course, there are all the obvious uses for frozen mango chunks, but I’ve a given you few more.

  • Sorbet

  • Ice Cream

  • Smoothies

  • Salsa

  • In a salad with nuts & seeds

  • Cocktails

I hope these tips prove helpful, or have even given birth to some of your own brainchild methods.. All of these ideas and tips are really about saving time. It’s about doing the work once and enjoying the fruits of your labors both now and in the future.

Effort Once = Rewards Multiplied


Watercress, Cucumber & Herbed Butter Tea Sandwiches


There are a ton of ways to say it…

Ask and you shall receive

Put it out there

Tell the universe what you want

Whatever saying you espouse, it’s all based on energy and the Laws of Attraction. If you want something, all you have to do is ask. Once you float an idea out there, the universe, full of energy, tries to provide you with the answer. I can attest to this theory in dozens of real life examples. I could go on and on about the “careful what you wish for“ statement. Which seems a bit more negative in tone than it’s true meaning. But it heeds the warning of be mindful of what you put forth because your wish will probably be granted. And so mine was. Sure, it had been brewing for some time, but the universe doesn’t have deadlines. It delivers what you need when you need it.

Now granted this is not one of those major life altering wishes. It was way more frivolous. More like a desire and Saturday morning daydream. None the less, it was a wish. I had been wanting to throw a tea party for the longest time. I know, you are thinking; Really, after all that blabber on the universe providing and it’s energy and that is what you wished for? It was. No judgement, please. However, I had two big hesitations. One, I can’t eat bread, and two, who would I invite? The latter is an easy challenge to overcome. The former, well that is another story entirely, which is why I have never thrown a tea party. BUT, out there I put the thought. Floating around like whisper waiting to be heard. And so, there was a cosmic little giggle when I was recently asked to cater a tea party. And there it was… Call it serendipity. Call it fate. Call it my prayers were answered. Call it whatever you like, but I asked and I received. And the funny part of it was, it literally answered all the challenges. Since it wasn’t MY tea party I didn’t have to eat the bread, or figure out who to invite. Talk about wishes coming true.

This is one of the easiest and most classic tea sandwiches.


Black Rye Bread
English Cucumber, thin round slices

Herbed Butter, room temperature
1 stick unsalted butter, softened
2 T chives, chopped
2 T parsley
1 T lemon juice
Lemon zest
1 t salt



1.First things first, make the herbed butter. Start with softened room temperature unsalted butter. It is important that the butter is really soft so the added ingredients can be blended in thoroughly and easily. Chop the herbs. Then using a mixer with a paddle attachment, blend together. Add the lemon juice, zest and salt to taste, mix a bit more but do not over mix. Set aside and leave at room temperature so it is easy to spread on the bread.

The best part about this butter is that you can place it in plastic wrap, roll it up like a log and freeze. You can then slice it anytime you want. Add it to rice or noodles or to finish a steak or fish.

I made a a lot because I had to make plenty of sandwiches. I froze the leftovers

I made a a lot because I had to make plenty of sandwiches. I froze the leftovers

2. Wash and thoroughly dry the watercress. Thinly slice the cucumber into rounds.

3. Get all the ingredients ready, placing the bread out.

4. Heavily butter one side, then lightly butter the other side of the bread. Then place the cucumber down first.

Line everything up to create your own assembly line. Of course, I made way more than you will need, but the concept still works even for a few sandwiches.

Line everything up to create your own assembly line. Of course, I made way more than you will need, but the concept still works even for a few sandwiches.

I placed 3 slices in a row x3. This way when I cut the bread into finger sandwiches I used the cucumber rows as my guide to create 3 bite sized sandwiches.

I placed 3 slices in a row x3. This way when I cut the bread into finger sandwiches I used the cucumber rows as my guide to create 3 bite sized sandwiches.

5. Pile the watercress on top. Close the sandwich and trim the crusts. Then cut the full sandwich into smaller finger sandwich pieces. I chose to cut these into thirds. You can also cut them in quarters to create squares or on a diagonal to create diamonds. Your choice. It tastes the same no matter the shape. It’s all about your visual preference, so do what turns you on.

When only using but a few ingredients freshness is of the utmost importance.

When only using but a few ingredients freshness is of the utmost importance.

I needed plenty of finger sandwiches for my event. Assembly line work is in my blood and makes the task go faster.

I needed plenty of finger sandwiches for my event. Assembly line work is in my blood and makes the task go faster.

The scraps. Just as edible, if you like the crust.

The scraps. Just as edible, if you like the crust.

This sandwich has such a wonderful flavor profile. The butter provides a huge amount by giving you sweet, salt and herbaceous notes. The watercress is slightly peppery and the cucumber is crisp and cool. The bread, well that is down right comforting while also adding an earthiness. This simple little sandwich packs a powerful big punch.

I hope your wishes all come true. Remember to be mindful of what you ask… the universe is listening.
